Discord Bot Requirements

To send notifications via Discord, a Discord Bot is required. You may use an existing or create a new basic bot.


Update the bot scope with the following permissions:

  • View Channels
  • Send Messages
  • Optional: Read Message History to send a message as a reply to another message

Learn more about Adding Scopes and Permissions.

Once the permissions are finalized, go to the generated URL below. This URL will invite the bot to the server and authorize it with the permissions chosen.

Profiles Requirements

The information required in the recipient profile is different based on the type of message you are sending.

Sending a Direct Message

To send a message to a user, you’ll need to supply the Discord profile object with a user_id:

  1. Go to User Settings on Discord (next to profile on the bottom left),
  2. Access the Advanced settings page and enable Developer Mode ,
  3. Right click on the user and copy the user ID.

This is not the user tag. The user you are trying to message must be a member of a server the bot is installed in.

  "message": {
    // Recipient Profile
    "to": {
      "discord": {
        "user_id": "617099137532932107"

Sending a Message to a Channel

To send a message to a channel, you’ll need to supply the discord profile object with a channel_id:

  1. Go to User Settings on Discord (next to profile on the bottom left),
  2. Access the Advanced settings page and enable Developer Mode ,
  3. Right click on the channel and copy the channel ID.

The bot must be installed in the server to send to the channel.

  "message": {
    // Recipient Profile
    "to": {
      "discord": {
        "channel_id": "768866348853383208"


You can use a provider override to replace what we send to Discord’s Create Message endpoint. For example, you can choose to an an embed.

  "message": {
    "to": {
      "discord": {
        "channel_id": "768866348853383208"
    "providers": {
      "discord": {
        "override": {
          "body": {
            "embed": {
              "title": "Hello, Embed!",
              "description": "This is an embedded message."