A guide to the Courier data logs and how to navigate the information they provide about messages, automation, recipients and lists.

Courier Message Logs

Using the Message Logs

The Courier Message Logs provide a timeline and insights into the status of your notifications, recipients, lists and automations. Each step in the Send status has a visual representation.

Your Notification Data at a Glance

The message logs convey a great deal of information in the summary view:

  • The Status of each message send request
  • The Notification and Recipient of associate with each Send status
  • The Provider channels for the notification

Send Status Key and Definitions

StatusEmailPush (iOS, Android, Courier Inbox)SMSChat
QueuedCourier has received a properly formatted and valid Send API request and is attempting to Send the Notification.Courier has received a properly formatted and valid Send API request and is attempting to Send the Notification.Courier has received a properly formatted and valid Send API request and is attempting to Send the Notification.Courier has received a properly formatted and valid Send API request and is attempting to Send the Notification.
SentCourier sent the request to the downstream provider. A 200 response will be given by Courier but could return undeliverable if the provider rejects it.Courier sent the request to the downstream provider. A 200 response will be given by Courier but could return undeliverable if the provider rejects it.Courier sent the request to the downstream provider. A 200 response will be given by Courier but could return undeliverable if the provider rejects it.Courier sent the request to the downstream provider. A 200 response will be given by Courier but could return undeliverable if the provider rejects it.
DeliveredChannel providers allow Courier to confirm that the message was accepted (in the case of Email, this means it hit their inbox). Webhooks are available for status delivery updates.The Push provider has confirmed delivery.

For Courier Inbox, a message is marked as Delivered if the user was online at send-time and received a toast pop-up message.
n/aThe Chat provider has confirmed delivery.
OpenedIf open tracking is enabled, the request was delivered and opened by the recipient.Push notifications are marked as delivered when the push message reaches the device.n/an/a
ClickedIf link tracking is enabled for your workspace, Courier will change the status to clicked when a recipient clicks on links sent in the notification.If link tracking is enabled for your workspace, Courier will change the status to clicked when a recipient clicks on links sent in the notification. For Inbox, the notification is marked clicked if a user clicks the message.n/aIf link tracking is enabled for your workspace, Courier will change the status to clicked when a recipient clicks on links sent in the notification.

Inbox and Channel Sync

Notification event states are synchronized between the inbox and other channels within a notification template. For example, if a notification was sent with an in-app inbox and email channels, opening the email will mark the in-app inbox notification as read.

This flow only works one way. Reading an inbox message will not mark an email as opened.

Other Message Statuses

  • Canceled: The message delivery was canceled.
  • Undeliverable: The channel provider did not accept the send request from Courier.
  • Unmapped: the Notification ID does not exist or the Event ID included in the send command is not mapped to a Notification.
  • Has Errors: indicates that the timeline in the Send detail view includes an error response.
  • Throttled: Notifications are being throttled either because there are send limits in effect, or your workspace has reached its free quota.
  • Simulated: Notifications are being sent with a mock key and are simulating the message lifecycle without sending to the downstream provider.


The logs histogram gives Courier users insights and breaks down delivery metrics for specific days and groups events in color-coordinated graphs.

Logs Histogram

Users can drag-select within the histogram to bring up a detailed custom date view.

Drag Select View

Notification Log Detail View

To view the details of a Notification Send, click the Notification in the list view to open the Log details.

Detailed View

Send Detail View

When you click a Notification to open the Log Detail view you will see a Summary and Timeline.

  • Summary - See details like the Message and Recipient IDs, as well as Date and time stamps for Send stages (Enqueued, Sent, First Delivery, Status, etc.).
  • Timeline - Detailed timeline of every step in the timeline. The timeline can be scrolled and events in the timeline can be clicked to open additional details.

Timeline Event View

If you want to see the details of any event in the timeline, click it to open. As an example, you can click into the Error Encountered tab in the timeline to review the error message.

Error Tab

Filtering your Message Logs

The message log includes a filter to search and narrow your notification logs by send Status, Errors, or to inspect the results of specific Providers, Notifications, or Recipient.

Date, Recipient and Notification Filters

  • The Log date filter allows you to filter to see notifications send on specific dates (see the pricing page for details on log retention timeframes).
  • Filter by Email or Recipient ID
  • Filter by a specific Notification or search them all.

Notification Status Filter

You can filter your Notification Logs by selecting one or more Status types: Queued, Sent, Delivered, Opened, Clicked, Undeliverable or Unmapped.


Unmapped means that an Event was posted to our Send API with an eventId that does not map to a notification or an invalid notification ID.

Error Status Filter

You can also identify notifications with any status that also have errors.

Provider Filter

You can review the logs of any combination of your integrated providers by selecting them in the Provider filter.

Automation Logs

The Automation logs provide detailed insights into the status of an automation run as well as step details.

Automation Run List

Automation Logs

Clicking into one of the automation in log opens the run summary, providing details on each of the steps in the automation.

Automation Run Summary