This feature is available to Business-tier customers.

We currently support template-level analytics that lets you gain insights on Send volume and Channel performances.

Template Analytics (Notification metrics)

This feature gives granular statistical data points on a particular template. You can visually infer how a notification template is performing across multiple channels through a particular time range.


Template Analytics Page

Send volume

A chart visualization on how the notification send volume has evolved over time.

Channel performance

A tabular representation of sends, delivered, opened, clicked and errors - for each channel and provider. This can help determine the ideal channel and/or provider for your notification template!

Delivered Events

Some email providers like SendGrid offer granularity for their API keys, and will need further customization so that delivered events can be sent to Courier.


In order for Courier to receive delivered events from SendGrid, your API key permissions need to include email activity and inbound parse so that delivered events can be counted in your message metrics.