Elemental Sugar

Syntactic Sugar to provide a fast shorthand for Courier Elemental Blocks.


titlestringThe title to be displayed by supported channels i.e. push, email (as subject)
bodystringrequiredThe text content displayed in the notification.


Elemental Sugar does not require the use of message.content.version nor does it require nesting block objects in message.content.elements. Instead, simply pass Elemental Sugar properties directly under message.content:

  "message": {
    // ... rest of message,

    "content": {
      "title": "Hello",
      "body": "World"

Elemental Sugar can be used alongside Elemental blocks:

  "message": {
    // ... rest of message,

    "content": {
      "title": "Hello",
      "body": "World",
      "version": "2020-01-01",
      "elements": [
        // Courier Elemental Blocks

Action Element

Allows the user to execute an action. Can be a button or a link.


typestringrequiredThe type of element. For action elements, this value should be action.
contentstringrequiredThe text content of the action shown to the user.
hrefstringrequiredThe target URL of the action.
action_idstringA unique id used to identify the action when it is executed.
alignstringThe alignment of the action button. One of center, left, right, or full. Defaults to center.
background_colorstringThe background color of the action button.
stylestringCan be button or link. Defaults to button.
localesobjectRegion specific content. See locales docs for more details.


Basic usage:

  "type": "action",
  "content": "Click me",
  "href": "https://example.com"

Channel Element

The channel element allows a notification to be customized based on which channel it is sent through. For example, you may want to display a detailed message when the notification is sent through email, and a more concise message in a push notification.

Channel elements are only valid as top-level elements; you cannot nest channel elements. If there is a channel element specified at the top-level of the document, all sibling elements must be channel elements.

Note: As an alternative, most elements support a channel property. Which allows you to selectively display an individual element on a per channel basis. See the control flow docs for more details.


typestringrequiredThe type of element. For channel elements, this value should be channel.
channelstringrequiredThe channel the contents of this element should be applied to. Can be email, push, direct_message, sms or a provider such as slack
elementsCourierElement[]An array of elements to apply to the channel. If raw has not been specified, elements is required.
rawobjectRaw data to apply to the channel. See example. If elements has not been specified, raw is required.


Basic Usage:

  "type": "channel",
  "channel": "email",
  "elements": [
      "type": "meta",
      "title": "My Subject"
      "type": "text",
      "content": "My email body"
  "type": "channel",
  "channel": "default", // all other channels
  "elements": [
      "type": "meta",
      "title": "My Title"
      "type": "text",
      "content": "Hello **world**"

With raw:

// Email
  "type": "channel",
  "channel": "email",
  "raw": {
    "subject": "My Subject",
    "html": "<mjml>...</mjml>",
    "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet", // Supports Markdown
    "transformers": ["handlebars", "mjml"] // Parameter for templating engine.

// Slack
  "type": "channel",
  "channel": "slack",
  "raw": {
    "slackBlocks": { ... } // Block Kit

// Webhook
  "type": "channel",
  "channel": "webhook",
  "raw": {
    "payload": {
      "body": {
        "hello": "world"

Comment Element

The Comment element allows you to include comments in your Elemental structure that won’t be rendered in the final output.


typestringrequiredThe type of element. For comment elements, this value should be comment.
commentstringThe comment text.
objectanyAn optional object that can be included with the comment.


  "type": "comment",
  "comment": "This is a comment that won't be rendered in the output"

## Divider Element

Renders a dividing line between elements.

### Fields

| Field | Type   | Required | Description                                                                  |
| ----- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| type  | `string` | required | The type of element. For divider elements, this value should be `divider`. |
| color | `string` |          | The CSS color to render the line with. I.E. `#fff`.                          |

### Example

  "type": "divider",
  "color": "#800080"

Group Element

Allows you to group elements together. This can be useful when used in combination with if or loop. See control flow docs for more details.


typestringrequiredThe type of element. For group elements, this value should be group.
elementsCourierElement[]requiredSub elements to render.


  "type": "group",
  "loop": "data.products",
  "elements": [
      "type": "text",
      "content": "# {{$.item.name}}"
    { "type": "divider" },
      "type": "text",
      "content": "- Description: {{$.item.description}}"
      "type": "text",
      "content": "- Price: {{$.item.price}}"

HTML Element

The HTML element allows you to include raw HTML content in your notification.


typestringrequiredThe type of element. For image elements, this value should be image.
contentstringrequiredThe raw HTML content to be included in the notification.
localesstringRegion specific content. See locales doc for more details.


  "type": "html",
  "content": "<h1>Hello,<strong>World!</strong></h1>"

Image Element

Used to embed an image into the notification.


typestringrequiredThe type of element. For image elements, this value should be image.
srcstringrequiredThe source of the image.
alignstringThe alignment of the image. One of center, left, right, or full.
alt_textstringAlternate text for the image.
hrefstringA URL to link to when the image is clicked.
widthstringCSS width properties to apply to the image. (I.E. 50px)


  "type": "image",
  "src": "../Images/logo.png"

List Element

The List element allows you to create ordered or unordered lists in your notification.


typestringrequiredThe type of element. For list elements, this value should be list.
list_typestringrequiredThe type of list. Can be ordered or unordered.
elementsListItemElement[]requiredAn array of list item elements.
imgSrcstringAllows bullets to be rendered using an image (for unordered lists).
imgHrefstringURL for the bullet image, if used.

List Item Fields

typestringrequiredShould be list-item.
elementsTextContentElement[] OR ListItemElement[]requiredContent of the list item, can include nested lists.
background_colorstringBackground color for the list item.


  "type": "list",
  "list_type": "unordered",
  "elements": [
      "type": "list-item",
      "elements": [
        { "type": "string", "content": "First item" }
      "type": "list-item",
      "elements": [
        { "type": "string", "content": "Second item" }

Meta Element

The meta element contains information describing the notification that may be used by a particular channel or provider. One important field is the title field which will be used as the title for channels that support it.


typestringrequiredThe type of element. For meta elements, this value should be meta.
titlestringThe title to be displayed by supported channels i.e. push, email (as subject)


Set the title

  "type": "meta",
  "title": "Thank you for signing up!"

With handlebars:

  "type": "meta",
  "title": "Hello, {{first_name}} {{last_name}}" // comes from data (data.first_name etc)

Channel filtered (see control flow docs for more details):

  "type": "meta",
  "title": "This is an email!",
  "channels": ["email"]
  "type": "meta",
  "title": "This is a push notification!",
  "channels": ["push"]

Quote Element

Renders a quote block.


typestringrequiredThe type of element. For quote elements, this value should be quote.
contentstringrequiredThe text value of the quote.
alignstringAlignment of the quote. One of center, left, right, or full.
border_colorstringCSS border color property (i.e. #fff).
text_stylestringOne of text, h1, h2, or subtext
localesobjectRegion specific content. See locales docs for more details.


  "type": "quote",
  "content": "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

Text Element

Represents a body of text to be rendered inside of the notification.


typestringrequiredThe type of element. For text elements, this value should be text.
contentstringrequiredThe text content displayed in the notification. Either this field must be specified, or the elements field
elementsTextContentElement[]requiredAn array of Text Content Elements. Either this field must be specified, or the content element field
alignstringText alignment. One of left, center, or right
text_stylestringAllows the text to be rendered as a heading level. Can be text, h1, h2, or subtext
colorstringSpecifies the color of text. Can be any valid css color value
boldbooleanApply bold to the text
italicbooleanApply italics to the text
strikethroughbooleanApply a strike through the text
underlinebooleanApply an underline to the text
localesobjectRegion specific content. See locales docs for more details.


Basic usage:

  "type": "text",
  "content": "Thanks for signing up!"

With handlebars:

  "type": "text",
  "content": "This is a notification I sent to {{first_name}}" // comes from the message.data property (i.e. data.first_name)

With locales:

  "type": "text",
  "content": "This is a notification I sent to {{first_name}}",
  "locales": {
    "eu-fr": {
      "content": "Ceci est une notification que j'ai envoyée à {{first_name}}"

Text Content Elements

The following elements can be applied as sub elements to the main text element. For now, they must be a child of the text element.

String Element

Renders a simple string. Similar to default behavior of text without a newline applied at the end

typestringrequiredThe type of element. For string elements, this value should be string.
contentstringrequiredThe text content displayed in the notification.
alignstringText alignment. One of left, center, or right
text_stylestringAllows the text to be rendered as a heading level. Can be text, h1, h2, or subtext
colorstringSpecifies the color of text. Can be any valid css color value
boldbooleanApply bold to the text
italicbooleanApply italics to the text
strikethroughbooleanApply a strike through the text
underlinebooleanApply an underline to the text
localesobjectRegion specific content. See locales docs for more details.

Renders a link within a body of text.

typestringrequiredThe type of element. For link elements, this value should be link.
contentstringrequiredThe text content displayed in the notification.
hrefstringThe address to link to
disable_trackingbooleanDisable tracking for the link
alignstringText alignment. One of left, center, or right
text_stylestringAllows the text to be rendered as a heading level. Can be text, h1, h2, or subtext
colorstringSpecifies the color of text. Can be any valid css color value
boldbooleanApply bold to the text
italicbooleanApply italics to the text
strikethroughbooleanApply a strike through the text
underlinebooleanApply an underline to the text
localesobjectRegion specific content. See locales docs for more details.

Img Element

Renders an image inline within a body of text.

typestringrequiredThe type of element. For inline image elements, this value should be img.
srcstringrequiredThe source address of the image
alt_textstringText to used for screen readers and displayed on mouse hover
widthstringHow wide the image should render. Can be any valid css width value
hrefstringAn address to link to
disable_trackingbooleanDisable tracking for the link
alignstringText alignment. One of left, center, or right
text_stylestringAllows the text to be rendered as a heading level. Can be text, h1, h2, or subtext
colorstringSpecifies the color of text. Can be any valid css color value
boldbooleanApply bold to the text
italicbooleanApply italics to the text
strikethroughbooleanApply a strike through the text
underlinebooleanApply an underline to the text
localesobjectRegion specific content. See locales docs for more details.


Basic example:

  "type": "text",
  "elements": [
    { "type": "string", "content": "Hey! ", "bold": true },
    { "type": "link", "content": "Check out this site.", "href": "https://www.example.com" },
    { "type": "img", "src": "https://emoji.com/cool-emoji", "width": "5px" }

Control Flow

All elements support additional properties for control flow:

ifstringA condition that determines whether the element should be rendered.
loopstringAn expression that allows the element to be repeated multiple times.
refstringA reference identifier for the element.

These properties enable dynamic content generation and conditional rendering within your Elemental structure.


Conditional rendering:

  "type": "text",
  "content": "This will only appear for premium users",
  "if": "{{user.isPremium}}"


  "type": "group",
  "loop": "{{items}}",
  "elements": [
      "type": "text",
      "content": "Item: {{item.name}}"

For more details on using these properties, see the control flow docs.