Adding tags to your Notifications helps you filter and search your Courier notifications.

Tags are especially valuable because you can filter on more than one tag at a time, while the search field only allows you to search one term at a time.

Create, Tag or Untag Using the Notification List View Modal

  • Open the tag’s dropdown menu on the far right of its list row.
  • Type a new tag name into the Create Tag field and assign it a color.
  • Once the tag is created, click on it to assign it to the Notification.
  • To tag the Notification with an existing tag, simply click on the tag name.

Create, Edit Tag Color, and Delete Tags With the Tags Tool

  • To create a tag in the filter view, simply type a tag name into the create tag field and hit return.
  • To edit a tag’s color, click on the color indicator next to the tag name.
  • To edit a tag name, click into the tag’s name field.
  • To delete a tag, click on the tag’s count number.

Filtering and Searching Your Notifications

You can search your Notifications by a single Name, Channel or Tag with the Filter tool.

  • The Tags tool allows you filter down your Notification by selecting multiple tags.

  • You can also use the Filter search in combination with the Tags tool to narrow the results of selected tags.