In this tutorial, we will walk you through creating your first notification template in Courier. You’ll learn how to configure channels, add variables, and preview your notification before sending it to users.



Create a New Notification Template

  1. Log in to your Courier dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Assets and click + New -> Message Template.
  3. Name your template and click Create Template.

Configure Channels and Providers

  1. Under the Add Notification Channels, select Email.
  2. In the left sidepane under Channels, hover over Email and click on the cog icon to open the channel settings.
  3. Choose an email provider (e.g. SendGrid).

If you have not installed an email provider, don’t worry — this can be done later on.


Add Notification Content

  1. Use the content toolbar to add content blocks. Start by adding a Text block. Click on the “T” icon.
  2. We should start the email with a simple greeting. Click on the text block to edit the text content, and replace the text with Hello, Ana!.
  3. Add an action block, which contains a button that users can click on.
  4. Feel free to expirement with the editor and add more content blocks as needed.


Add Variables for Dynamic Data

In the content editor, use placeholders like {} to insert dynamic data. This will personalize the notification based on dynamic data, such as recipient information, order details, event details, etc.

  1. Replace Ana with {} to dynamically change the name for each individual recipient.
  2. Click on the action block, and then the pencil icon to open the action block settings. Replace the current URL with {invite-url}, and then click Apply.

Action Block with variable URL


(optional) Set Branding and Subscription Topics


Preview the Notification

Use the Test Event feature to preview your notification with the brand and example data.

  1. Click the Preview tab at the top of the editor, and then click “Create Test Event”.
  2. In your Test Event, replace the data object with:
"Data": {
    "invite-url": "",
  1. Add a name to the user profile:
"profile": {
    "email": "",
    "name": "Example User"
  1. Notice in the preview that our variables have been replaced with the test data.

Publish the Notification

Once you’re satisfied with the preview, click Publish to save your notification content and settings.

Key Concepts