Several instances may result in raising Twilio error code 30005. For example, there may be an issue with the mobile carrier, or the destination device does not have enough signal. On the other hand, if the number belongs to a landline, the device may be unable to receive SMS, or the destination number is no longer active.
Therefore, we can say that the most straightforward and significant reason for raising this error code is the destination number being unknown or inactive.
The first step in troubleshooting is determining whether the destination number is active and valid.
If the number is active and valid, you can attempt to replicate the problem and send another message again via the API Explorer in the Twilio console or via a REST API request. But first, determine whether the phone number is correct and the message complies with the E.164 formatting given below.
[+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code]
If the result is the same, you can review the checklist below and identify the issue by checking each item:
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